Saturday, December 24, 2011

Ode to a Sister Spirit

I know you to be sister...for you told me so....differently.
Told me your name......i dont remember it now - but it felt like
C's & M's & L's..and maybe an E or I or two.

I've only known of you for a very, very, very small span of time....

but i saw you give shade...
i saw you as an anchor & a support

& i saw & felt the small twigs that fell on unsuspecting heads
(i figured you were feeling ignored & trying to get attention...get a hello)

I did not like the dangling SPIDER! EEK! that I walked into.....w/my face!

I know you will be gone soon....& i WILL miss you.

I also know that life & death go hand in hand forever..... @ least on this planet.

But know.....the garden will receive more sun & provide more robust food for use...
& know that your wood will provide heat during the cold months...
your ashes will mingle w/that garden providing some of it's needs...

and then...miracle of miracles you are re-born......


but there you are nourishment

thank you......
& goodbye
& hello
nazufani 12/24/2011

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